The moment you can’t keep track of USB flash drives and SD/microSD cards on your desk, it’s time to round them up. A box might do, but this will do better.

Japan Home USB and SD Card Case Review 01

Costing only P88.00 at Japan Home, this USB and SD Card Case stores at least six thick USB flash drives on one side, and three SD cards plus three microSD cards on the other side. Actually, as with any container, whatever fits inside fits inside.

Japan Home USB and SD Card Case Review 02

Check the pics below for a quick tour.

  • Without any thing in it, it looks lonely.

    Japan Home USB and SD Card Case Review 03

  • Irregularly sized promotional USB flash drives, like the Intel blue robot above (on the right side), will of course not fit inside the case. But you’re going to try anyway. ๐Ÿ™‚

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  • This is the underside, which can house 3 SD cards and 3 microSD cards.

    Japan Home USB and SD Card Case Review 04

  • And this is how the contents get jostled around. This wouldn’t happen to older, thicker USB flash drives, but then modernity is often about miniaturization.

    Japan Home USB and SD Card Case Review 05

  • Just to give you an idea of how big this USB and SD Card Case is. Beneath it is a full-sized Bluetooth Keyboard that costs under P600.00 (review forthcoming).

    Japan Home USB and SD Card Case Review 06






This case was designed in an era when flash drives were as thick as your big toe. Lately, they’ve been getting thinner and tinier (the flash drives, not your big toe). So the thin and tiny drives get jostled around inside the case (they’re not snug-fit), which helps accelerate wear and tear. The jangling around may also get noisy in your backpack when your walk.

Japan Home USB and SD Card Case Review 00


Buy it. It’s cheap. And if you tend to accumulate flash drives or if you need to bring USB installers around (IT people, I’m looking at you),ย it becomes a must. The more mobile you are with your work, the sooner you realize you need something like this.

So there it is.ย A place for everything and, for a handful of your flash drives and SD/microSD cards, a place. Or if you have too many of these tiny storage devices, by all means get more of these cases.

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