As one of the leading innovators in the mobile and digital real estate industry, Hoppler continues to strengthen its foothold as a go-to site for property investors, sellers, and brokers. Founded in 2014, it provides a comprehensive source of residential and commercial properties in the Philippines, helping potential consumers to make informed decisions when looking for a place to call home or transact business with.

By joining the Partner Broker Program, members receive exclusive access to Kumita, Hoppler's own customer relationship management (CRM) tool.

Aside from its advance listing functions, Hoppler is also an online brokerage firm that connects buyers and sellers seamlessly with a trusted network of in-house and partner brokers. Equipped with the right attitude, knowledge and skills, Hopplerโ€™s esteemed pool of brokers have results-driven mindset that lets them do their job efficiently and successfully. These brokers offer professional guidance and expertise throughout the process of finding the perfect place for people to buy or rent properties, be it a condominium unit, a townhouse, or a commercial space for your own startup.

By joining the Partner Broker Program, members receive exclusive access to Kumita, Hoppler's own customer relationship management (CRM) tool.

Brokers Hub

In its pursuit to attract qualified brokers who can get the real job done, anywhere, anytime, on any device, Hoppler has recently created a user-friendly tool to ensure success in every deal. The latest innovation is called Kumita (which means to earn in Filipino), a proprietary deal management technology exclusive only to Hoppler Partner Brokers.

By joining the Partner Broker Program, members receive exclusive access to Kumita, Hoppler's own customer relationship management (CRM) tool.

With its all-in-one real estate clients and deals management features, you can track and manage every phase in the sales process through a mobile phone or desktop. Whether youโ€™re stuck in traffic or waiting for your meeting, Kumita enables you to list properties and receive inquiries anywhere you are in the world.

By joining the Partner Broker Program, members receive exclusive access to Kumita, Hoppler's own customer relationship management (CRM) tool.

Working mom and partner broker Grace Alma Magnase can attest to the convenience of using Kumita in her everyday transactions. โ€œKumita makes time management remarkably easier. Its features guarantee efficiency so I can focus on what really matters โ€“ being a mom.” Newly wed Jeffrey Sanchez, who happens to be a partner broker of Hoppler, is all praises with its accessible functionalities. “From the assignment of sure leads to the signing of contracts, Kumita proves to be a reliable companion. Since it’s easy to use and accessible even on mobile, it helps me work fast and smart,โ€ he shares.

Notable Kumita Features

Kumita has several software features to help partner brokers close more deals and adapt to significant marketing trends. Hereโ€™s a summary of its key functions:

  1. Properties & Listings Manager. Manage your inventory conveniently in one database and stay on top of every transaction.
  1. Leads and Clients Manager. Get notifications whenever you get leads. Effectively manage clients and leads to guarantee that every customer is handled properly.
  1. Viewing Scheduler. Keep track of your schedule without trouble by creating viewing lists that you can also send to your clients.
  1. Documents & Forms Cloud Storage. Save your files in your own online storage. You no longer have to carry papers during client meetings.
  1. Automated Contracts Creator. Generate automated contracts you can send to your customers. Save time and easily accomplish contracts even when you are on the road.
  1. Real-Time Reporting & Insights. Get a real-time overview of your business. See your progress and check what is working and what needs to be improved.

Other Partner Broker Programs

Hoppler is keen on cultivating Partner Broker Programs that aim to get the best possible deals in property selling and build trustworthy relationships with co-brokers, property owners, and potential buyers.

By joining the Partner Broker Program, members receive exclusive access to Kumita, Hoppler's own customer relationship management (CRM) tool.
By joining the Partner Broker Program, members receive exclusive access to Kumita, Hoppler’s own customer relationship management (CRM) tool.

Partner Brokers will be introduced to a network of successful brokers and agents that have shown exemplary work in the field. Hoppler organizes exclusive events and trainings to get brokers equipped with new information and trends. Seminars, mixers, and networking activities abound every month to help strengthen your network.

By joining the Partner Broker Program, members receive exclusive access to Kumita, Hoppler's own customer relationship management (CRM) tool.

Unlike industry competitors, Partner Brokers can also upload all the residential and commercial properties you manage without any upfront fees.

By joining the Partner Broker Program, members receive exclusive access to Kumita, Hoppler's own customer relationship management (CRM) tool.

For more information, you may visit

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