Digital Walker treats musicians, influencers, and tech media to a fun-filled, team-against-team music trivia night at Makati bistro Your Local, while highlighting the big-stage audio experience offered by the Home Line III of known audio brand Marshall.

Last May 4, 2013, Digital Walker’s event combined a somber product launch (what’s new in Marshall’s audio engineering for sheer enjoyment) and the adrenaline rush of teams shouting to “own” music trivia challenges – from music history bits to singing out the missing lyrics, from Marshall decades of history and to audio product geek-out specs of the three products launched that night – the Acton III, Stanmore III, and Woburn III. Guests shared their playlists to win limited edition Marshall merchandise and wrote on the freedom wall in response to “I will use my music voice to…” Guests were also allowed to share a special promo code that entitles customers to a P500 discount on the Marshall Home Line II.
Among the memorable features shared was that of the Woburn III’s Night Mode, which, when hooked up to a TV via HDMI, smartly balances the volume level, so you don’t disturb your housemates or neighbors during movie or show night.

The event wove together in one evening how much good music is appreciated, and how much one brand stands behind good home audio experience, as showcased by the Acton III, Stanmore III, and Woburn III. Geek-out details and prices below.
The compact design of the Acton III somewhat understates its ability to fill the room with sound, which it can.
DIMENSIONS: 260 x 170 x 150 mm / 10.24 x 6.69 x 5.91 in
WEIGHT: 2.85 KG /6.28 LB
COLOURWAYS: Black, Cream, Brown
POWER AMPLIFIERS: One 30 Watt Class D amplifier for the woofer,
Two 15 Watt Class D amplifiers for the tweeters
MAX SPL: 95 dB @ 1 m
PRICE: P18,990
The “middle child” of the bunch offers a wider sound stage than its predecessor and comes with an updated cleaner look.
DIMENSIONS: 350 x 203 x 188 mm / 13.78 x 8.00 x 7.40 in
WEIGHT: 4.25 KG / 9.37 LB
COLOURWAYS: Black, Cream, Brown
POWER AMPLIFIERS: One 50 Watt Class D amplifier for the woofer,
Two 15 Watt Class D amplifiers for the tweeters
MAX SPL: 97 dB @ 1 m
PRICE: P25,990
The newcomer in the line up, the Woburn II, features a re-engineered three-way driver system for greater audio clarity. Its dynamic loudness adjusts tonal balance for the best audio experience.
DIMENSIONS: 400 x 317 x 203 mm / 15.75 x 12.48 x 7.99 in
WEIGHT: 7.45 KG / 16.42 LB
COLOURWAYS: Black, Cream
POWER AMPLIFIERS: One 90 Watt Class D amplifier for the woofer,
Two 15W Class D amplifiers for the mids, Two 15 Watt Class D amplifiers
for the tweeters
MAX SPL: 100.5 dB @ 1 m
PRICE: P39,990
Visit for details or Digital Walker’s online stores at Lazada, Shopee, and TikTok Shop for more details.

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