Lately, a remarkable beauty phenomenon has taken hold. It seems as if a batch of women in their 40s, namely Cindy Kurleto, Pia Guanio-Mago, and Aubrey Miles, are transforming our notions of what a mature woman should look like. Maybe it’s in their inherent poise or their confident attitude, but there is something about these ladies that inspire us to think about remaining beautifully eye-catching far longer than we have in the past. 

Maturity now seems much less intimidating as we pick up on the cues that Cindy, Pia, and Aubrey leave for us to follow. Luck has almost nothing to do with it. We’ve rounded up their 5 simple yet powerful tips to help you defy your 40s.


With everything, self-love seems to be the main approach these women employ. When entering your 40s, appreciating your entirety helps you settle in your own identity more gracefully. “Remember you can only give, what you have, so be sure to always fill your own cup first,” shares Cindy, “The tone we use with ourselves in our head is very important, be sure to always speak with respect and consideration.” Because you best believe it! If you looked this good at 40, it is not an accident!


When you hit your 40s, you learn very quickly that the exercise and diet routines you practiced during your younger years aren’t going to cut it anymore. There is a way, however, to circumvent it. “Sweat everyday,” Aubrey exclaims, adding that the benefits of regular exercise go beyond losing weight or getting a six-pack. “At least 30 minutes of any kind of exercise is healthy for body and mind,” shares Pia. Getting into a routine doesn’t have to overly complicated. Staying active with something you love will help just as much as the three hours in the gym can. “Find an activity that you enjoy doing, be it something relaxing like yoga, a morning run or a weekly bicycle ride with a friend,” says Cindy.


From eating to drinking enough water, optimum nutrition is crucial for overall wellness, regardless of age. The entire body needs adequate amounts of nutrients for it to function at its best.  This is more apparent, especially when it comes to curbing the signs of aging like sagging skin, fine lines, and dark spots. As such, maintaining a nutrient-dense, antioxidant rich diet is critically important because of the impact of food intake on our health. The right kinds of antioxidants are important for women to nourish their skin and control early signs of aging. Fortunately, they can access these benefits from a wide variety of sources such as a nutritious food and correct dietary supplements. “Over time we learn which food is good for us and which isn’t,” remarks Cindy.


Rest is essential for a person’s vitality and there is simply no substitute for eight solid hours of a good night’s slumber. “Prioritize quality sleep,” says Aubrey, adding that when our bodies are deprived of sleep, it is unable to rebuild and recharge itself adequately. Adequate skin care is also an important part of rest. “Never go to bed with make-up on. Always use a gentle make-up remover and never leave make-up on as you sleep,” Pia admonishes, “After cleansing, a good moisturizer does wonders.”


With today’s busy lifestyles, getting adequate nutrients to maintain their vitality can be a challenge. Thankfully, there are breakthrough supplements that can easily be infused into any woman’s hectic schedules as part of a 360-degree approach to wellness. “Maintaining a youthful appearance as I age is important to me,” says Cindy, “That is why, in addition to a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet, I take Myra Ultimate to give me plump and youthful  skin in my 40s.”  This is because Myra Ultimate’s breakthrough formula is a powerful blend of astaxanthin, lycopene, and vitamin E that reveals beautiful, firm, youthful skin that lasts, helping women achieve a freshness filled with vitality. Pia adds that, taking Myra Ultimate orally once or twice nightly, as prescribed by a physician, is a worthy investment with an SRP of Php20 per capsule. “Take two capsules before bedtime daily and watch and see the difference!” 

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