Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is a challenge, especially when running a busy schedule, and nowadays while working at home. Reasons like having no time due to work deadlines, being too tired after several hourly meetings, or needing to spend time and energy to prepare meals can get in the way of making healthy eating a priority.
Time-consuming. Challenging. Expensive. Those are some of the misconceptions about healthy eating. In reality, healthy eating just starts with better lifestyle and food choices. Here are some more straightforward yet life-changing eating habits that one must follow to achieve a healthier lifestyle:
1. Don’t skip meals.
People often skip meals when beating deadlines or rushing to another meeting, thinking that they can just reward themselves with a nice meal later or worse—believe that skipping meals can help them lose weight. This needs to change because skipping meals can mess up the body’s metabolism and sugar levels, causing adverse health impacts. Using trusty cooking appliances can help one stay on track. Enjoy cooking meals with Samsung’s 3-in-1 Microwave Oven. Aside from its many functions, the 3-in-1 Microwave Oven can help save cooking time. For example, healthy protein based dishes can be cooked perfectly brown and moist effortlessly. With the help of the Grill function, the desired grilling time just needs to be set and the rest of the cooking will be taken care of.
2. Go oil-free
Too much fat can cause cholesterol build-up that can be bad for the heart and the body. It’s a good thing that with the 3-in-1 Microwave Oven’s Grill Fry function, fried food cravings can now be satisfied healthier by foregoing the need to use any oil in cooking. Food such as chicken wings, fried battered fish, or onion rings can come out crispy and crunchy on the outside yet still tender and juicy on the inside. And with the unique Triple Distribution System, the heat reaches every corner and penetrates food in multiple directions, to ensure that everything inside is cooked much more thoroughly and evenly.
3. Add vegetables to any meal
Ideally, each meal must be packed with vegetables to provide the nutrients and the minerals that the body needs. It might be easy to say, but the idea of having to allot time to chop, prepare, and cook those vegetables daily could be more challenging than it seems. The secret is the 3-in-1 Microwave Oven’s Auto Cook’s Healthy Cooking function. This feature provides options for various kinds of vegetables like broccoli, spinach, carrots, and green beans. Each is pre-programmed with the optimal mode, time, and temperature so they can be turned into delicious dishes without guesswork. The 3-in-1 Microwave Oven just needs to know the type and weight of food to prepare the desired vegetable meals.
These eating habits may be easy and simple to follow, but consistency is still the key to a healthier lifestyle. Start incorporating these changes, and it will not only benefit the overall health, but it can also help excel work-life performance.

Samsung 3-in-1 Microwave Oven
Get that 3-in-1 Microwave Oven Grill for only Php 9,345 with a straight cash purchase. You may also avail using any of these flexible payment options: pay only PHP 916 per month for 12 months at 0% installment, or use Home Credit, or In-House Financing. Hurry to score the best possible deals because promo runs until October 31 only! Visit SamsungPH on Facebook and to know more about the Flexideals promo and other participating products.
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